The Blossoming Brain Blog
Friday, 21. June 2002
Personal Values

Education has always been of upmost importance in my family. When I started Kindergarten, my parents enrolled me in Grace Christian School in Huntington. I attended there until I graduated in 1999. Grace was a small school (although they are still growing each year), but I received an amazing education. I remember when I reached high school my parents asked me if I would like to go to a public school. I was ataken back.....first of all, the thought had never even entered my mind, and secondly, would they *really* let me go?? The decision was easy. Grace had become my "home away from home." With only 18 in our graduating class, I have an extended family. Looking back, I realize what a sacrifice my parents made in sending me to Grace. It not only shows how important my education was them, but they ensured that I received the proper spiritual education. As I was writing this, I did some quick math to estimate how much my education 'cost'.....the only word I can think of is "mind boggling!" I have no doubt that my parents have never regretted, even for a minute, sending me to Grace. But if I had gone to public school, we *could* be living in my mom's dream house!

I don't honestly think that there was ever any question that I would one day be attending college....not in my mind, not in my family's minds. My dad graduated with a business degree from Virginia Tech, and my mom graduated from Radford University with a degree in Home Economics. So of course, I would follow in their footsteps. I now know that when my grandmother sold her house, the money went into my "College Fund." What an amazing gift of love that was! I have that money at my disposal to pay my way through school.

My parents have always 'pushed' me to do my best in college. They knew that I had what it took to survive, but I think if we go back and look at the grades they received...... I often wonder what my family would have said had I decided not to go to college. I knew I was *never* going to say that for one main reason.....I got a job at Lane Bryant in the mall in 1999. It was a good job for about 4 weeks, although I ended up working there 2 1/2 years. I just couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life working in retail. Retail itself pushed me to get a college degree. Not one of my 3 managers had a college education. One of my managers was six hours away from getting a degree in accounting but took the full time job at LB and never finished! I encouraged her on a weekly basis to go back and finish, but because of living on her own, paying bills and working full time, it wasn't an option. I just remember thinking that I didn't want that to happen in my life.

My parents have been so proud to see me progress through college, doing well at it no less. I think both of my parents look back and wish that they had done better, and that is why they did everything in their power to ensure that I received the best education possible. I think that the sacrifice my parents made in sending me to Grace, and the sacrifice my grandparents are making in sending me to Marshall, has really pushed me to do well in school. Overall, my family has *alot* of money invested in my education. The worst thing I could do is to not take my education seriously. Oh, it has been hard at times. There have been times when I would have liked to have dropped out, but I refrained because I knew that my family would have set up an execution post in my backyard! So I trudged through, and I can't believe how far I have come. I have done well in school, both at Grace and at Marshall. Grace did an amazing job in preparing me for college, and they have helped to mold me into the person that I am today. Each and every teacher at Grace genuinely cared about my life and have had a profound effect on my life. God used each and every one in a different way to make me into who I am today. Likewise, Marshall is still molding me into a final product. I am grateful for both Grace and Marshall. Both schools have emphasized the importance of learning on a daily basis. Through my family and these education institutions, high values and love for education has been fostered in my life. God has give me much to be thankful for on a daily basis.

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