The Blossoming Brain Blog
Sunday, 23. June 2002
CD Saga.....Part 2

I honestly can't believe that it is the end of another week. My life seems to be in "fast forward" motion. I always think that I don't have much of a life, but something always seems to take up most of my time. My aim this week was to finish up the 1 assignment I had left from week one and to finish *all* of the assignments for week two. Boy, am I ambitious or what?!?!? Like I said in last week's blog, I wanted to get myself on some sort of homework schedule. It was a rosy thought, but a totally unattainable in "mi vida loca!"

I was *so* apprehensive as I prepared to click on the Week 2 link for our homework assignments. I had absolutely no idea what was posted on the next page, and I was afraid to look!! I started to read them online, but I decided I better print them off first. I use the term *pleasantly surprised* very cautiously. I didn't jump up and scream "WOW, THIS IS SOOO EASY" by any stretch of the imagination. However, it wasn't quite as scary as I had expected. Most of the assignments revolved around reading articles on a related topic like the World Wide Web, the internet, email, etc... 2 of the assignments required subscribing and unsubscribing to an email list. One of the *semi-fun*(sometimes frustrating) assignments was trying to locate people through the internet. The last 4 assignments required us to respond to several prompts related to our Personal History, Values, Essential Questions, and Learning Futures. Overall, the content for the week was not overwhelming. Don't get me wrong, I didn't breeze through the assignments in 2 days, but I also didn't feel like I had a massive burden hanging on my shoulders.

Oh, how did I get it all done??? I didn't. I had such expectations for myself this week, but I knew early one that I wasn't going to be on a schedule. I was just going to have to work when I had "free" time. I do have a good excuse for not finishing all of my assignments.........some good friends of ours moved back from Wisconsin this week. I spent 5 hours Sunday, 13 hours Monday, and 6 hours Tuesday at their house waiting on the moving truck and then unpacking. Let's see...that means I spent 24 hours away from home between the 3 days. That practice is not something I recommend, but sometimes duty calls. My processes this week just involved getting done all that I could. I knew I was facing a rough week, and I obviously pitched the schedule idea out of the window. I usually don't go through the assignments and pick and choose. I find it easier to just start with the first one, and muddle my way through the rest. Even though I was gone quite a bit, I did manage to finish all but the last two assignments. Pretty good, I think. And who knows?? I might be able to finish those two assignments tomorrow.....and that would mean that I would be done for the assignments for week 3 are posted. Hey, it could happen!! Oh yes, I would like to comment on assignments 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 (subscribing and unsubscribing from the mailing list.) In all honesty, I thought these 2 assignments would be the *easiest*. Well as most of you know, it was not a fun time in Milton while trying to complete them. I have never had that much least not in a long time. I tried to subscribe using my hotmail account, but that definitely didn't work. I ended up using my Yahoo account, and it finally worked. I still to this day, don't know why my hotmail account didn't work. Mrs. McComas emailed and told me to make sure that my font was *normal*, and that I actually typed *subscribe* as the command. Even after succeeding through Yahoo, I tried my hotmail account again with Times New Roman font. Nothing. It was a very frustrating evening, but I am glad that I finally got it done. So what was supposed to be 2 *easy* processes, turned out to be 2 very *hard* processes for me. But I think I am stronger for it.. ha ha ha!

As I look back on this week, I see a *big* blurr. I feel like I have been in a whirlwind of activities, and unfortunately it is going to be worse next week. I have a big *event* next be sure to tune in for saga #3. :) I think that each week I am learning to manage what time I have more wisely. After having all of the complications with the 2 assignments I mentioned, I realized that putting the assignments off is not a good thing. If I had waited until the last minute, I may have not gotten them done. But since I started semi-early, I had time to email the class and get some help. The one thing that I am not happy with is not getting *all* of my assignments done by the end of the week. In my perfect world, they would all be done by Friday. Unfortunately, my world is no where near perfect.
I have a feeling that at the end of next week I will be in the same predicament, but my goal is to finish all of my assignments by Friday starting with week #4. I know I *can* do it, it's just a matter of putting myself in the proper mindset. I have definitely figured out that procrastination is not the way to go in this could easily drown! But to no one's surprise, I survived another week in the 315 abyss. Yay for me!

Let's see if I have any questions......... I do have one about the class meeting on Tuesday. I just realized that I am not going to be home on Tuesday. I am not positive that I am going to be able to hook my laptop up. I read the *attendance policy* on the syllabus and it referred to "excessive absences." Refresh my memory please: Is there a penalty for missing class? I don't like the thought of missing, but the situation may be out of my control. Please advise me. As of now, I don't think that I have any other questions. But I have the class email address on the top of my list! I will use it in a heartbeat!! Stay tuned...............:)

Enjoy your weekend, my friends! Smiles to all!

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