The Blossoming Brain Blog
Sunday, 14. July 2002
Genre 2: "I AM" Poem

This poem is written by a 13 year old girl who uses an AAC device. Since she has just entered her teenage years, I tried to portray some of the emotional struggles that she is encountering at this very tender age in her life.

I am silent and I am special.
I wonder what it would be like to speak.
I hear the imaginary sound of my voice.
I see my lips move as they try to form a word.
I want to be normal.
I am silent and I am special.

I pretend to talk on the phone.
I feel as if love will never find me.
I touch my soft lips, but what does it matter?
I worry that they will never be kissed.
I cry to ease the pain.
I am silent and I am special.

I understand that life is short, yet sweet.
I dream of giving a speech at graduation.
I try to make the best of what I've been given.
I hope to make an impact.
I am silent but I am special.

*Well I am still revising....I found myself revising as I was typing. I am most open to suggestions. I tried to remember my thoughts when I was 13....but that's been a loooong time ago. I must be getting old....:)

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Library Search 1

Resource: ERIC

Keywords: Augmentative Communication AND Information

Mathy-Laikko, Pamela & Mirenda, Pat. (1989). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Applications for Persons with Severe Congenital Communication Disorders: An Introduction. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 5, 3-13. Abstract retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database.

Resource: ERIC

Keywords: Augmentative Communication

Ashton, Tamarah M. (2000). Augmentative Communication Devices: A Critical Aspect
of Assistive Technology. Journal of Special Education Technology, 15, 35-38. Abstract retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database.

Resource: ERIC

Keywords: Augmentative Communication

Zangari, Carole (1988). Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A Field in
Transition. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 4, 60-65. Abstract retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database.

Resource: Academic Search Elite

Keywords: AAC devices

Blackstone, Sarah W. & Caves, Kevin. (2002). AAC Technologies: Envisioning the Future. ASHA Leader, 7, 2-3. Abstract retrieved July 14, 2002 from Academic Search Elite database.

Resource: Academic Search Elite

Keywords: AAC devices

Romski, MaryAnn & Sevcik, Rose A. (2000). AAC: More Than Three Decades of Growth and Development. ASHA Leader, 5, 5-6. Abstract retrieved July 14, 2002, from Academic Search Elite Database.

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